
Couple Enrichment

Intensive Marriage and Couples Counselling
with Husband and Wife Co-Therapy Team


We work remotely with our couple therapy and couple intensive clients. We also see clients in person in our Ottawa office. Please contact us to discuss how our virtual or in person couple and marriage therapy works. You can choose to be with one or both of us.

Why Intensive Couple Therapy
Will Work for You

Does it feel like you have fallen out of love?
Have you been hurt by your partner’s infidelity?
Is it a challenge to communicate openly?
Do you yearn for more closeness and intimacy?

Take heart. You are not alone. Many couples struggle just like you. Even the most committed couples face challenges that may threaten the safety and security of their relationships.

Couples feel secure when they work as a team, learn to express their love with honesty and integrity, take each other into account, fight “well”, and learn to repair quickly.

Our Intensive Marriage and Couple Therapy approach focuses on encouraging you to know each other more deeply, stay securely connected, and feel safe in each other’s care.

Louise Dorfman & David Rubinstein of Couple Enrichment
Louise Dorfman & David Rubinstein
Registered Psychotherapists

We are married partners, parents, and close friends. As your couple co-therapists, we will have both your interests at heart.

Create a Vision That Works for Both of You

Be The First to Know

Stay in touch with us to hear about Couple Enrichment's upcoming Podcasts, Workshops, and Webinars. Join our Closely Connected Community and we will share with you a copy of Dr. Stan Tatkin's "10 Commandments for Couples" (author of Wired for Love, We Do, and more recently, In Each Other's Care, ).

Wired for Love Book by Stan Tatkin
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I want to know more about creating a safe and secure relationship.


Stay Closely Connected

Looking for inspiration and insight? Begin here by reading our Couple Enrichment Relationship Blog.

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